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Announcing the release of novel #7: “The Foursome – A Love Story” The Foursome – A Love Story Now available on Amazon.com A compelling story of inter-racial love that overcomes the inherent bigotry of America. Oh, and the female child becomes the greatest female golfer in the world. You won’t be able to put it…


The manuscript is in final production. This should be the front cover image. It is the wedding picture of my Ukrainian grandparents, circa 1914. This picture will stay with the reader throughout the book.


Here we are beginning the third quarter of 2021. WOW! How time flies. I hope everyone is enjoying their beach reading. One of my readers who bought the entire Sonya Keller trilogy from my website, http://www.vernturner.com, told me she took the books to the beach and got sunburned because she couldn’t stop reading. THAT is…

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